Our Beliefs



We Believe in the Triune nature of GOD; GOD Who Is The Father, GOD, Who is the Son, GOD Who is the Holy Spirit. We Believe that these three are One.


We believe JESUS CHRIST Is the Son of GOD and Savior of the world. We believe HE was crucified on the cross and on the third day He rose triumphant over death. We believe that there is no other name given that man should be saved by but the name of JESUS CHRIST. We believe that JESUS CHRIST Is Coming Again.

Holy Spirit

We Believe that The HOLY SPIRIT is the Spirit of GOD, sent as The Fulfilment of The Promise GOD, that a Helper like unto the CHRIST will be send. We Believe that His Regulations and Leadership are essential for A Life that brings GOD pleasure and the fulfilment of the Believer' Kingdom destiny


We believe that the Bible is the inspired(GOD breathed), Inerrant(Without Error or Contradiction), Incorruptible(Void of that Which Contaminates and Righteous) and Infallible(All true ) Word of GOD.

It is the Supreme and Final Authority in Faith and Practice.

The Church

We believe that the Church is the assembling of those summoned(Called out) of the World unto existence as The Body of CHRIST; A people designed to exist to both Establish and Advance The King of GOD and HIS CHRIST


We believe that Faith(Saving Faith) in JESUS alone is the prerequisite for Salvation. We Believe also, that Sustained Faith(Enabling Faith) in JESUS is what ultimately guarantees a place in eternity, and occasions the Experience of A Victorious Christian Life.


The Word of God states that “all have sinned”, which is the act and condition which separates us from God. Because He loves us, God has provided the only means by which humankind can have our sins forgiven, granting us the opportunity to become sons and daughters of God.


We believe in the Holy Communion and keep the practice as commanded by the Lord himself. We believe that when we come together to celebrate the Lord’s Supper, we remember Christ’s suffering and death on our behalf, which in reality is the evidence of our victory of all the forces of sin and death. (1 Corinthians 11:23-26).

Divine Healing

We believe that the message of Salvation is for the whole person and that the prayer of faith, in Jesus’ name, makes the afflicted whole. (James 5:14-15).


Is the public declaration that we have fully committed ourselves to Christ, and have symbolically and spiritually been united with Him in His death and resurrection (Romans 6:3-5).


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